The NEW EARTH ALLIANCE, INC. (NEA) is an educational and experiential ministry with a commitment to empower children to be self-directed learners and global citizens, individuals to create a viable, income producing business from their God-given talents,and to promote the temporal well-being and spiritual development of individuals and communities. NEA’s unique, holistic approach addresses the needs of body, mind and spirit.




          The purpose of the NEW EARTH ALLIANCE is to educate our human family to use the POWER OF GOD to manifest each person’s divine purpose. We will utilize the LIGHT OF GOD to awaken the body and mind, creating vibrant health and well-being. By accessing the LOVE OF GOD inherent in the human heart, the NEW EARTH ALLIANCE will assist in uniting all souls in communion with one another so that the New Earth will flourish.



          We introduce to the world our unique educational system, a K-12 school called Ascension Academy (AA), where empowered students design humanitarian projects along with their secular studies. At NEA, we believe that ‘a little child shall lead them.’  Our school, with its 1:12 teacher/student ratio will address each student’s individual learning style, thus assisting children, including those with autism and learning disabilities, to achieve great success. To support NEA’s humanitarian objectives, our students will be required to create, fund and implement a service project for our summer mission trip. Students will study the culture and history of a specific region of the world, then develop an outreach program to address the current social needs of that society. NEA will subsidize travel costs for our students. 



The ultimate goal of AA is that when a student leaves our school, they are prepared for college, have created a business that will allow them to begin their visionary work, and generated a body of humanitarian service that will ensure that our students become humanitarian-minded global citizens committed to serve and love their fellow men.



NEA’s Adult Vocational Training Program creates powerful Masters from the clay of the human mind. Our innovative approach to vocational training is based on the ancient system of Master/Apprentice. We honor those who have achieved Mastery in their chosen profession while living a Spirit-directed life and are committed to support incredible leaders who have dedicated their lives to the service of God and humanity.  Masters in our program are chosen directly through inspiration, and are salaried by the company as Directors where they serve on the Master’s Council, the governing body of the Alliance. Each member will continue to operate their business under our non-profit corporation, which will allow them to provide their services for low or no cost to the community.  NEA will give each Master an endowment to resolve their debt, so that they may freely serve and manifest their divine work in the world. The Masters work directly with the adults in our vocational training program and in our K-12 school, while committing to apprentice at least one child and one teen in our organization, so that their exceptional gifts may be passed on to future generations.




             They will be allocated work space in our multi-purpose wellness center and all business costs are covered by NEA. The Masters Council will implement a service program in our center to support the custodial and kitchen staff. This will create a sense of community amongst all, allowing a Master to clean the bathroom with a third grader, thus establishing a supportive, multi-generational community that reminds us ‘he that is greatest among you is the least and the servant of all.’



The NEW EARTH ALLIANCE’s main objective is a heart-felt commitment to selfless service and all educational programs center around this concept. The students, Masters and executive staff will travel each summer on a mission trip. We will individually create a humanitarian project and then collectively implement those projects in the field, thereby creating a wave of love and healing around the world.  


The objectives of the NEW EARTH ALLIANCE will be manifest through our multi-use  Wellness Center that houses our K-12 school, powerful alternative and complementary healing professionals, a full-service salon and spa, organic kitchen, sanctuary and meeting rooms and administrative offices, so that we all work together, eat together and serve together.



            NEA is a spiritually-based organization located in the city of Cameron Park, El Dorado County, California. NEA is a nonprofit public benefit organization.  Funding opportunities are available.





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